• <p>It is only a matter of time until the Euro collapses sinking into the abyss. The French presidential election could be the straw that starts the disintegration of the Euro.&nbsp;The reason is very clear. The economic abyss with youth unemployment over 60% warns there is the complete failure to create new jobs.</p>

    2015-03-12 04:27:58
  • <p><strong>Seven years after the bursting of a global credit bubble resulted in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, debt continues to grow.</strong> In fact, as McKinsey explains in their latest report, rather than reducing indebtedness, or deleveraging, all major economies today have higher levels of borrowing relative to GDP than they did in 2007.<strong></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></strong></p>

    2015-03-07 04:38:33
  • <p>This Video was released on July 5th, 2013, but is still very much valid in the longer term picture. His cycle analysis is still calling for a significant revaluation in Gold by 2017, but Gold&rsquo;s future does not end there.....</p>

    2015-03-06 10:24:39
  • <p>Arthur Berman explains 'Why Today's Shale Era Is The Retirement Party For Oil Production'. A recognised leading geologist with 34 years of experience in petroleum exploration and production delivers the hard facts. Much of what's been 'sold' to us about the US shale oil revolution is massively over-hyped.</p>

    2015-02-12 08:25:12
  • <p>&ldquo;<strong> Conventional economic theory says &lsquo;crisis don&rsquo;t happen' "</strong></p> <p>Steve Keen explains in this brief but extremely succinct interview, they are wrong &ndash; and simply won&rsquo;t (or can&rsquo;t) see the next one coming. &ldquo;<strong>People in the public think economists are experts on money; but, in fact, they are experts in finding ways not to include money, debt, and banks in their models</strong>&rdquo;</p>

    2015-03-06 09:33:27
  • Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of precious metals or you're a seasoned investor buying and selling gold bars, silver coins, or platinum bullion on a regular basis, understanding how prices are determined is crucial for making sound investment decisions.

    2025-01-08 08:52:13
  • Throughout history, the lustrous beauty of precious metals like silver and gold have captivated us and several myths and legends have been attributed to their purity and healing properties. Some even go as far as investing in gold and silver, drawn to their cultural significance, rarity, and enduring value as a store of wealth or a hedge against inflation.

    2024-11-21 11:36:51
  • Silver has held a significant place in our culture and trade for centuries. It is a precious metal used in numerous ceremonies and festivals across various religious and cultural groups.

    2024-11-21 10:49:04
  • Investing in precious metals has become increasingly popular as a strategy to diversify portfolios and protect against economic uncertainties. Among the various forms of precious metal investments, bars and coins stand out as the most common choices. And if you’re choosing between the two, this article will provide you with the details you need to make informed decisions based on their specific goals and preferences.

    2024-11-21 10:26:26
  • Gold has long been the go-to safe-haven asset, while silver's affordability makes it a popular choice. Recently, platinum has emerged as a strong contender, offering unique investment potential due to its industrial demand and scarcity. But how does it compare to gold in your precious metals portfolio?

    2024-10-15 07:17:06
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