• <p><span style="color: #800000;"><strong>Since 2005, precious metals investors purchased a staggering 1.36 billion ounces of silver coins and bars.&nbsp;</strong></span> This is a great deal when we consider annual demand was a paltry 30 million oz (Moz) in 2001.&nbsp; All that changed when the U.S. financial system died in 2008.&nbsp; In just one year, silver bar &amp; coin demand skyrocketed from 51 Moz in 2007, to 187 Moz in 2008.</p>

    2015-03-18 12:02:33
  • <p>We have often spoken about the stock market looking very rich at this present time. Bond rally ? Another chance to sell the Euro before it falls off the cliff ?</p>

    2015-03-18 11:52:39
  • <p>It's getting old but the percentage of missed expectations in economic data is now over 90% since the start of February with three more added to the long list today. This has pushed <strong>Bloomberg's US Macro Surprise index to its worst start to a year on record</strong>.</p>

    2015-03-17 06:08:21
  • <p>Billionaire hedge fund manager Cripsin Odey warns that (just as Goldman has noted) the global economy is &ldquo;headed for recession and central banks will not be able to able to come to the rescue because they have exhausted the arsenal of policy weapons." No matter what happens, he chides, the market shrugs it off as they are "kind of relying on central banks pulling a rabbit out of a hat." They will not.</p>

    2015-03-12 13:26:03
  • <p style="text-align: left;">The currency war salvos just keep on coming.&nbsp; Moments ago the BOK unexpectedly (the move was predicted by just 2 of 17 economists polled by Bloomberg) cut its policy rate from 2.00% to a record low 1.75%, in what is clearly a full-blown retaliation against the collapse currency of its biggest export competitor, Japan, whose currency has cratered to a level that many in South Korea believe has become a direct subsidy for its competing exports.</p>

    2015-03-12 10:05:38
  • <p>FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.</p> <p>As we will never return to &lsquo;business as usual&rsquo; 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.</p>

    2015-03-06 09:51:32
  • Greece's stand-off with its creditors shows little signs of abating. After the latest, unpromising round of talks between the new Greek government and the euro's finance ministers, both parties have hardened their negotiating positions in anticipation of yet another showdown, which is now temporarily penciled in for Friday. "In the End Capital Controls Will Probably Have To Be Imposed" states Eurogroup

    2015-02-18 03:07:00
  • <p>What makes this interesting is the mounting evidence that QE does not bring about economic recovery. Even Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements and who is the central bankers' central banker, <a href="http://www.bis.org/speeches/sp140409.htm?ql=1">has publicly expressed deep reservations</a> about QE. However, the ECB ploughs on regardless.</p>

    2015-02-02 10:15:03
  • <p>Bridgewater, the world&rsquo;s largest hedge fund manager, led most of its peers that invest across global markets based on economic themes.</p> <p>He is lauded as the most successful hedge fund manager in history, after rankings compiled by LCH Investments. Since its 1975 inception the fund has booked gains of $35.8bn.</p>

    2015-03-06 10:55:31
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