Terms of Use and Sale
Please review the following Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale ("Agreement") thoroughly. By accessing and using the website (further detailed below), you are affirming your consent to be legally bound by the provisions of this Agreement.
It is important that you examine these terms and conditions prior to utilizing the services or navigating the website of IPM Group Pte Ltd (also known and referred to as "Indigo Precious Metals"). Upon the generation of an invoice or purchase order, you engage in a legally enforceable contract with IPM Group Pte Ltd, to which you are agreeing to adhere to the stipulated terms.
For any inquiries, clarifications, or need for further details, please reach out to the office of IPM Group Pte Ltd at +65 6223 0185 or forward an email to accounts@ipm.capital
The contractual Agreement established here is between the user ("You") and IPM Group Pte Ltd, duly registered in Singapore with the company registration number 201428070N, and having its registered address at 23 Amoy Street, Singapore, 069858 ("IPM Group" or "Company" or "we" or "us"). This Agreement pertains to your interaction with and use of the website owned and operated by us, through which this Agreement is accessed, including any successor website(s), all services provided through the website, and the content thereof (collectively referred to as the "Site"). This Agreement governs all transactions involving the purchase of goods ("Goods") made available by IPM Group on this Site.
In these terms and conditions unless context otherwise requires:
Account – means an account held by IPM Group on your behalf for the purpose of facilitating any transaction, product or service, including storing, holding or trading on your behalf.
SCPA – Means the Singapore Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act.
Agreement – means this agreement comprising these terms and conditions and any other document incorporated into this agreement by express reference.
AML/CTF Act – Regulated by the Ministry of Law Singapore under the Precious Stones and Precious Metals (Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing) Act 2019 (“PSPM Act”) for the purpose of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (“AML/CFT”) only.
Authorized Agent – means any person you have properly authorized to give trading or funding instructions to IPM Group on your behalf in connection with your account including Collection Authority.
Available funds – means cleared funds, including funds which have been made available by means of direct debit.
Business day – means a day that our corporate banks and foreign exchange markets are open for business in Singapore.
Contract – means the contract evidenced by and created when we issue and invoice or purchase order.
Precious Metal – means Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium.
BSP – 'Bullion Savings Plan' means physical Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Indium, Gallium, Tellurium metals that participates in the Bullion Gram Savings offering is fully-backed by physical metals reserves.
Product – means precious metals and any other products sold or purchased by from time to time.
Secured Monies – means all purchase money’s, storage fees, interest fees, administrative fees, commission, costs, taxes, charges or other money’s owing by you to IPM Group pursuant to this agreement.
Service – means any services provided by IPM Group, including holding or trading, storage, insurance and delivery.
Terms – means these terms and conditions.
Website – means the website or websites operated by IPM GROUP or any associated or affiliated company.
Your Information – means relevant information about you or your entity such as your full name, date of birth, business name. residential address, business address, ABN and your interactions with us, inclusive of trades, copies of personal identification documents such as your driver’s licence, passport, Medicare card, bank statements, rates notice or any other documents that prove your identity or information about you that is publicly available, for example from social media and public registers.
Acceptance of Terms:
1.. By using the Site, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to any additional rules and guidelines that we post on the Site. Any policy or materials specifically referred to in this Agreement are incorporated into the Agreement by reference. We may make changes to this Agreement from time to time; we may notify you of such changes by any reasonable means, including by posting the revised version of this Agreement on the Site. This Agreement does not affect any mandatory and/or statutory rights that You have as a consumer under Singapore law.
These terms and conditions apply to all transactions and dealings between the customer (hereafter referred to as “you” or “your”) and IPM Group (hereafter referred to as “IPM Group”, “we” or “us”) regardless of the method of transaction used.
2.. IPM Group is not responsible for any loss or liability incurred by you that is in connection with any dealing or transaction with us, contemplated or actual, except to the extent of liability imposed on IPM by the ACL.
3.. Any information provided by IPM Group including but not limited to any information posted on our website is general in nature and not advice. IPM Group does not warrant the accuracy of that information and the information should not be relied upon by you.
4.. These terms and conditions supersede any previous terms and conditions you may have entered with us. Any previous obligations entered with the company will be treated as if the present terms and conditions apply. IPM Group reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions and will publish any amendments on the IPM Group website.
5.. You acknowledge that you evidence your acceptance of these terms by:
a. Creating an Account; or
b. Placing an offer to buy a product; or
c. Placing an offer to purchase a service; or
d. Placing an offer to sell a product to IPM Group or its associated companies; or
e. Use of our website or any other service provided by IPM Group.
6.. You may submit an offer to buy or sell a product or service from IPM Group; however, we are not bound to accept any offer, order or enquiry received from you.
7.. You may submit an offer to buy a product from IPM Group (including the deposit of available funds). If your offer is accepted by IPM Group we will raise an invoice for the price of the product quoted by IPM Group and accepted by you at the time the offer was made.
8.. Upon initiating an invoice for products or services from IPM Group, you are required to remit a minimum deposit amounting to 10% of the invoice value within one business day to secure and guarantee the price quoted.
9.. You may submit an offer to purchase a service from IPM Group. If your offer is accepted by IPM Group we will raise an invoice for the service fee as agreed with you at the time the offer was made.
10.. You may submit an offer to sell a product to IPM Group. If your offer is accepted by IPM Group we will raise an invoice for the price of the product quoted by IPM Group and accepted by you at the time the offer was made.
11.. You enter a binding contract with us, that is irrevocable, at the time that an offer is accepted, whether placed over the counter at our offices, by phone, email or through our website, and that any loss suffered by IPM Group will be charged to the customer if they purport to withdraw from the offer.
12.. Payment terms of the contract for purchase of products by you are within one business day from the time of processing unless otherwise agreed by us in writing. Non-payment within the specified period will result in a default by the customer and you will also be liable to a cancellation fee of minimum S$ 40.00 or 5% of the total invoice amount (whichever is greater) and any other losses or damages that IPM Group suffers as a result of reliance on the offer.
13.. Payment terms for services provided by IPM Group are in accordance with the schedule of service fees provided by IPM Group at the time the offer is accepted.
14.. The price quoted by us at the time of the submission of your application is indicative only and is subject to confirmation with the tax invoice sent to you. Further IPM Group reserves the right to correct any errors which are shown on the invoice at any time subject to giving you notice. You agree to accept without limitation the price on the corrected invoice.
15.. The delivery date indicated on our invoice for the product(s) reflects the product availability at the time of issuance and should be regarded as an estimate rather than a definitive schedule. While this estimated delivery date is not a binding element of our contractual agreement with you, we will make all reasonable efforts to expedite the delivery of the product(s) as promptly as possible.
16.. In contracting a storage service from IPM Group you acknowledge, understand, and accept that:
17.. IPM Group storage services inventory is represented by physical inventory of precious metal within clients segregated vaulted area, or metal receivable positions held with related company awaiting for delivery to vault (inclusive of IPM Group Pool Allocated product or “BSP”);
18.. Annually an independent auditor verifies the existence of, and reports on, the physical inventory of precious metals in IPM Group storage services records. The report can be made available upon request;
19.. IPM Group is also subject to an annual statutory audit undertaken by an independent auditor which includes standard audit procedures.
20.. Where IPM Group stores your product, and you offer to sell that product to IPM Group, we will only purchase product that has been verified as being held by IPM Group.
IPM Group Pool Allocated Program:
21.. IPM Group’s Pool Allocated Program hereby knows as “BSP” (Bullion Gram Savings) allows IPM Group customers to apply to open an account and purchase unallocated precious metals from IPM Group automatically via direct deposit.
22.. Applications to IPM Group’s Pool Allocated Product require you to establish a direct deposit with your financial institution to make payments to the Pool Allocated Program. Deposit amounts will be allocated to your account in line with the instructions provided to IPM Group by you at the time of your application, unless you have subsequently instructed us otherwise in writing.
23.. IPM Group will never action a debit to your account for the purchase of Pool Allocated products.
24.. Precious metals purchased as part of IPM Group’s Pool Allocated Program are subject to the same terms as set out in these terms and conditions.
Warranties, Representations and Acknowledgements
25.. You warrant and represent that;
a. You confirm that all information provided by you in the course of your dealing with IPM Group is complete, accurate, correct and is not misleading. We may rely on the information provided by you until we receive written notification that your information has changed. Any such variation to your information will be covered by this confirmation.
b. You have sufficient knowledge and experience to make informed decisions about your transaction with us and if not, that you have received independent professional advice from a party qualified to provide such advice,
c. You are making your own decision in connection with the transaction with us and that IPM Group has not provided any recommendation in relation to the transaction. IPM Group does not provide personalised advice and has not considered your personal circumstances in relation to any dealings you have with us
d. You confirm that you are not intoxicated, under the effects of prescription or illicit drugs and have full capacity and authority to enter into contractual relationships at the time of your transaction with IPM Group.
e. That at all times during your business dealings with IPM Group you are and will be in a position to meet all your commitments and obligations that relate to these dealings.
26.. You acknowledge that;
a. For any purchase or sale of product using IPM Group that you have sufficient experience and knowledge to make informed decisions about that purchase.
b. That you are aware that investment in precious metals is a risk and that it does not necessarily guarantee a profit or yield, and that in some instances the value of your investment may decline. You have assessed these risks with regard to your personal circumstances prior to entering a contact with IPM Group.
c. We are not responsible for the reliability of any third-party information that has been made available to you.
d. That when we agree and arrange delivery, transport, insurance, and storage of product for you, we do so as agent, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, without liability.
e. IPM Group is entitled to rely on instructions from an Authorised Agent that you appoint until you have notified us in writing that this appointment has been revoked.
f. IPM Group has the right to correct any trading or administrative errors including but not limited to reversing or cancelling an invoice or purchase order without your consent and without liability or recourse against IPM Group.
g. That we use our best endeavours to supply the product within the timeframe permitted by the invoice; however, IPM Group is not liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience suffered by you or any third party for a failure to meet any estimated date.
h. Any period or date for delivery of product or provision of service advised by us is an estimate only and not a contractual commitment.
i. That you will notify IPM Group immediately of any errors or omissions in our records with respect to your details or account. Noting all requests to amend your details or account must be received by us in writing. That prices published by IPM Group either on our website, by email or other means of communication are indicative only and subject to these terms and conditions, the pricing of your particular order will be fixed at the time of tax invoice and is based on a premium over the spot price for purchased and a premium below the spot price for sales.
j. That we do not offer refund or exchange of products once purchased for any reason whatsoever.
27.. We offer a fully insured vaulting service for which storage fees are agreed with the customer. IPM Group will hold a “Your” purchase that is not nominated for vaulting for 30-days only free of charge. You will need to arrange to take delivery of the product in a within 30 days otherwise an automatic vaulting and storage fee will have to be paid before you can take delivery of the product.
28.. IPM Group acknowledge that;
a. At all times we will endeavour to deal fairly and in due turn with all orders to buy and sell products.
b. It’s the practice for IPM Group to deal with all orders in sequence of their receipt or otherwise as expeditiously as possible, however we reserve the right to suspend trading, or immediate fulfilment of orders in times of high market volatility or fast moving market conditions.
c. If a particular brand of product is not available at the time you enter into a storage agreement with IPM Group, that product may, at IPM Group’s discretion, be replaced with an equivalent weight of an alternative brand of metal until such time as the branded product ordered by you is received by IPM Group.
d. We have the sole discretion to introduce or amend storage fees or storage conditions, however, we will endeavour to notify you of such an amendment.
e. We may from time to time engage third parties to perform services on behalf of IPM Group and that these third parties are entitled to the full benefit of these conditions including any exclusions of liability to the same extent as IPM Group.
Orders and Instructions
29.. All orders and instructions are subject to these terms and conditions.
30.. It is your responsibility to make sure that any instructions given to IPM Group, by you or your authorised agent, are in accordance with the law.
31.. If IPM Group or a third party acting on behalf of IPM Group considers that it is in our reasonable interest to do so we may decline to act on your behalf in relation to any dealing, without explanation or advance notice.
32.. IPM Group may decline to act on your behalf where:
a. We believe the transaction would not result in a change of beneficial ownership;
b. We believe the instructions are ambiguous, incomplete, or unclear; or
c. Your account with us has been suspended due to unpaid or overdue amounts owing.
33.. That IPM Group has the absolute discretion and right to correct any trading, incorrect pricing or administrative errors. This includes but is not limited to reversing orders, cancelling orders or correcting a mistaken price calculation without your consent or explanation.
34.. If more than one person constitutes a customer, then they are jointly and severally bound by these Terms and Conditions and IPM Group is able to act upon the instructions of any one of those people unless specified otherwise in writing by the customers.
35.. Order and Acceptance: We make available "Goods" for purchase through the Site, (each such purchase, a "Transaction"), and we may use third-party suppliers and service providers to enable e-commerce functionality on our Site. A Goods order submitted by You constitutes Your offer to IPM Group to purchase the Goods pursuant to this Agreement and is subject to acceptance by Us. Any prices or Goods referred to on the Site are subject to availability and do not constitute an offer by IPM Group. After you place an order, IPM Group will send you a communication confirming receipt of Your order and containing the details of Your order. You agree and understand that any such communication confirming receipt of Your order does not constitute acceptance of Your order by IPM Group.
36.. Reporting Regime for Precious Metals Dealers: In Singapore, The Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act CAP 65A requires all dealers of precious metals to report transactions that exceeds a specific threshold amount, is suspicious in nature or if there are reasonable grounds the proceeds are generated from an unlawful activity, to the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office without alerting the Customer on the matter.
Compliance & KYC on Our Client Base
Compliance with Precious Stones and Precious Metals (Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing) Act 2019 (PSPM Act)
37.. IPM Group Pte Ltd is a registered dealer (Registration No: PS20190001114) and regulated by the ‘Ministry of Law of Singapore’ under the Precious Stones and Precious Metals (Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing) Act 2019 (“PSPM Act”) for the purpose of anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (“AML/CFT”) only.
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance with regulatory requirements to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing activities within the precious stones and precious metals industry.
Our business operates in compliance with the PSPM Act. This Act is designed to combat money laundering and terrorism financing within the precious stones and precious metals industry. We adhere to the regulations outlined in the PSPM Act, ensuring:
38.. Protection Against Illicit Activities: Our compliance with the Act safeguards against money laundering and terrorism financing, ensuring our services are not misused.
39.. Enhanced Oversight: Our registration under the Act signifies our commitment to operating under rigorous oversight, providing added assurance for our clients.
40.. Global Best Practices: The Act aligns with international standards, including those set by the FATF, reflecting our adherence to global best practices.
41.. Transparent Operations: Our compliance promotes transparency and accountability, earning your trust in our honest and integrity-driven business practices.
Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
42.. Customer Due Diligence: We are required to perform prescribed customer due diligence measures in various circumstances, including before entering into designated transactions, where there are suspicions of money laundering or terrorism financing, or when doubts arise regarding the accuracy of information obtained.
43.. Cash Transaction Reports: For designated transactions involving cash amounts exceeding S$20,000, we must submit cash transaction reports to designated authorities within prescribed timelines and keep copies for a specified period.
44.. Record-Keeping: We are obligated to maintain records of designated transactions, customer information obtained through due diligence measures, supporting documents, and other prescribed documents and information for a prescribed period. These records must be made available to regulatory authorities upon request.
45.. Programmes and Measures: We must implement adequate programmes and measures to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing, ensuring compliance with prescribed requirements and appropriateness based on risk assessments and the size of our business.
46.. Additional Measures: We are required to adhere to any prescribed measures related to targeted financial sanctions against terrorism and any additional measures necessary to comply with relevant FATF Recommendations.
47.. Disclosure Obligations: We are obligated to make disclosures under applicable laws if circumstances require, and submit copies of such disclosures to the Registrar.
48.. Direction from Registrar: The Registrar may issue written directions to us if there are concerns about the risk of money laundering or terrorism financing in our operations. Failure to comply with such directions constitutes an offence.
49.. Penalties for Non-Compliance: Failure to comply with the provisions outlined in the Act may result in fines and imprisonment. Offences include failure to perform customer due diligence, submit cash transaction reports, maintain records, implement adequate programmes and measures, make required disclosures, and comply with directions from the Registrar.
Payment, Shipment, Insurance and Default
50.. The currency, unless clearly otherwise stated, for any transaction is Singapore Dollars (SGD).
51.. Delivery times and dates referenced on the Site or in any order communications from IPM Group are estimates only, and IPM Group is not liable in the event of a delivery delay due to unforeseen logistic issues.
52.. The full purchase price for any product, commissions, fees and charges in connection with your account must be paid by the settlement date or at an earlier time as required by IPM Group.
53.. IPM Group accept payment in the form of cash, cash deposited to our bank account, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or direct deposit.
54.. Any order must be paid either in full or a full 10% deposit within 24 hours (or one business day) of the order being placed. In the event payment is not made within the above you agree that IPM Group may amend the price of the product to reflect market pricing, although we are not obligated to do so, or cancel the order.
55.. Any costs incurred by IPM Group relating to the recovery of any final amounts owing and any other third party charges, taxes or fees levied on us in connection with our transaction with you will be reimbursed in full by you.
56.. You must compensate and indemnify us in respect of any or all losses, claims and expenses incurred by us as a result of your defaulting on your contractual obligations, including any losses incurred by exiting any hedging positions taken by us as a result of your contract.
57.. IPM Group may refuse to accept or fulfil any further orders from you for our products or services in the event of your default.
58.. Freight and Insurance is optional and this service is provided by IPM Group through recommended third party contractors. We reserve the right to choose the most appropriate method of delivery, if a method of delivery is not specified by you at the time of the order.
59.. All IPM Group orders for delivery require insurance which will be calculated as a percentage of the total order value and will be clearly stated on the invoice. Please note that the insurance only covers transit from despatch until first arrival at the nominated delivery address. Insurance does not cover incorrect or incomplete delivery address or third parties signing for the delivery, unless specifically authorised.
Storage & Vaulting (fully-allocated and unallocated bullion)
60.. IPM Group offers secured in-house vaulting services for fully-allocated storage, with independent audits and fully insured.
61.. Storage charges for allocated bullion are incurred quarterly and apply from the date that your order for storage is accepted by IPM Group. IPM Group will issue invoices quarterly in arrears, specifically on the last business day of each quarter. These invoices are to be paid within 7 days of the date of the invoice.
62.. IPM Group offers its customers the option of purchasing bullion by way of an unallocated “pool” system. Product purchased this way is stored as unallocated bullion. If bullion is purchased this way, then IPM Group will arrange to store bullion on behalf of the customer until the customer calls for delivery of the unallocated bullion. All unallocated bullion will be subject to the same terms and conditions.
63.. The customer agrees to pay any freight, handling, barring or other expenses in relation to the redelivery of the product.
64.. IPM Group will only accept an offer for allocated or unallocated storage where IPM Group’s facilities permit, and we may refuse to provide these services at our discretion. Products in the custody Vault are covered against theft or loss under a general insurance policy for bullion replacement value. Items that may be considered “Collectable” will be limited to their bullion replacement value only, regardless of brand or design.
65.. IPM Group will have a general lien on any stored or vaulted bullion that you have provided to IPM Group or purchased through IPM Group for any charges or expenses due or which will become due to IPM Group. This includes any charges and expenses arising out of any contract you may have with us. If any charges or amounts owing are not paid in full or the bullion is not collected IPM Group may remove any of the bullion at your risk and expense and sell all or any of the bullion that IPM Group thinks fit and apply the proceeds to discharge the lien and costs of sale without being liable to any person for any loss or damage caused.
66.. Except in these terms and conditions any contract with IPM Group does not include any other term, condition or warranty with respect to the quality, fitness for purpose, condition or merchantability of the bullion or any contract for remedy for their failure.
67.. As a consumer there is nothing contained in these terms and conditions that modifies or limits your rights and remedies against IPM Group for failure of statutory guarantee under the SPCA Singapore Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act.
Website Contents :
68.. The content of the pages of this website are for your general information and use only Neither we nor any third parties provide any warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by Singapore law.
Disclaimer :
69.. The information contained in this website should be used as general information only. It does not take into account the particular circumstances, investment objectives and needs for investment of any investor, or purport to be comprehensive or constitute investment advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should consult a financial adviser to help you form your own opinion of the information, and on whether the information is suitable for your individual needs and aims as an investor. You should consult appropriate professional advisers on any legal, taxation and accounting implications before making an investment.
Copyright :
70.. The content, organization, graphics, design, audio, animation, video, compilation, digital conversion and other matters related to the Site are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you of any such matters or any part of the Site is strictly prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document or other materials viewed through the Site. The posting of information or materials on the Site does not constitute a waiver of any right in such information and materials.
This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.
Indemnification :
71.. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our partners, attorneys, staff and affiliates harmless from any liability, loss, claim and expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related to your violation of this Agreement or use of the Site.
Links to Other Websites :
72.. From time to time, this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. We are not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions express in such websites, and such websites are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy or completeness by us. Inclusion of any linked website on our Site does not imply approval or endorsement of the linked website by us. If you decide to leave our Site and access these websites, you do so at your own risk.
Collection of Data and Privacy :
73.. In accordance with the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act, we are required to record the details of each Transaction, including the identity and contact information of the customer, and to maintain the supporting documents including the nature of business, and intended nature of the Transaction. This information shall be stored for a period of at least 5 years from the date of Transaction. By Acceptance of this Agreement, You hereby agree to the collection and storage of Your personal data. All data supplied to us is for administrative and regulatory purposes only and will be kept private and confidential. We will not provide any external party with any of your personal data unless required by law.
This website uses cookies to monitor browsing preferences.
74.. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability: Information provided through our website is offered on an “as-is” and “as available” basis without any warranties, either express or implied. We bear no liability for any use or inability to use our site or for any information obtained from the site. Specifically, we are not responsible for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of business, profits, economic loss, legal actions, or similar issues, regardless of whether these arise from contract, warranty breaches, tort (including negligence), or any other causes, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The exclusion of damages is a key component of the agreement between you and us; without these limitations, the services and information we provide would not be offered. No advice or information, whether received directly from us or accessed through our site, will constitute a warranty, representation, or guarantee that is not explicitly stated in this agreement.
Furthermore, we shall not be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from the performance, non-performance, delay in delivery, or flaws in the goods, nor for any special, indirect, economic, or consequential loss or damage however caused, including loss of profit or revenue, whether due to negligence or otherwise associated with the supply, functioning, or usage of the goods. Our total liability to you in any circumstance is limited to the purchase price you paid for the goods.
Warranty :
75.. IPM Group hereby warrants that all Goods are of a 100% metal purity of the goods described on the website, and available for purchase.
Force Majeure :
76.. IPM Group shall not be responsible for any failure to perform due to unforeseen circumstances or to causes beyond IPM Group's reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, war, riot, embargoes, and acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes, lockouts, or shortages of transportation, facilities, fuel, energy, labour or materials. In the event of any such delay, IPM Group may be excused from such performance to the extent it is delayed or prevented by such cause.
Ability to Enter Into This Agreement :
77.. By utilizing this website, you affirm that you either: (a) you have reached the legal age and possess the legal capacity to agree to these terms and conditions, thereby binding yourself to this Agreement; or (b) are the parent or legal guardian of a minor who has not reached the age of majority and you consent to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement on their behalf.
If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child under the legal age to enter into this Agreement, then, as used in this Agreement, “you,” “yourself,” and “your,” means and refers to you on behalf of yourself and your child who is the user of the Site.
Governing Law :
78.. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in the Terms will derogate from any rights ‘You’ may have under existing consumer protection legislation or other applicable laws in ‘Your’ jurisdiction.
Miscellaneous :
79.. This Agreement does not, and shall not be construed to create any partnership, joint venture, employer-employee, agency or franchisor-franchisee relationship between You and IPM Group. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, that provision will be deemed severable from this Agreement and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provision. You may not assign, transfer or sublicense any or all of your rights or obligations under this Agreement without our express prior written consent. We may assign, transfer or sublicense any or all of our rights or obligations under this Agreement without restriction. No waiver by either party of any breach or default hereunder will be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach or default. Any heading, caption or section title contained herein is inserted only as a matter of convenience, and in no way defines or explains any section or provision hereof. Notices to you may be made via posting to the Site, by e-mail, or by regular mail, in our discretion. The Site may also provide notices of changes to this Agreement or other matters by displaying such notices or by providing links to such notices. Without limitation, You agree that a printed version of this Agreement and of any notice given in electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or relating to this Agreement to the same extent and subject to the same conditions as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed form. We will not be responsible for failures to fulfil any obligations due to causes beyond our control.