Exciting Investment Returns Potential - in 5 pictures
By David J Mitchell 3rd May 2020
Investors across the world are moving into precious metals to protect themselves against the currency and monetary system debasement that is taking place globally, but what are the metals that hold the most exciting investment return potential?
We strongly believe platinum holds an enormous opportunity for an outsized revaluation return based on many different factors coming together over the immediate horizon.
In this article I will raise some important price, ratio and supply charts that demonstrate how incredibly undervalued platinum is as of today; for the new and existing investors. We are very excited looking out over the next few years of what platinum is going to achieve.
I will post the links to the research articles recently posted, that go into greater detail of just some of our internal investment research within the overall pdf article.
This follows on from what we have achieved for our clients since the beginning of 2016, through precious metals research, portfolio advice and then the procurement on their behalf, re-balancing once targets are achieved.
Year 2016 was the major cycle turning point in precious metals. Rhodium up + 1,500%, Palladium +520%, and now we are targeting the next metals that hold the most potential.
Platinum usages, it really does have diverse drivers of demand…
CLICK HERE to download this article and see the 5 - charts in high resolution.
We 'will' lose control of the currency debasement and the inflation dragon will blow flames across our monetary system at some point in the fututre, with the tallest pile of tinder (debt pile) ever built in all of history this is going to be a real issue - investment into hard physical precious metals will be one of the main focus points in the years ahead.
If you need any advice or help in your metal allocations then just give us a call.
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