Monetary Czars Are Now Impotent
New Fiscal Deficit Czars Are Upon Us
MMT ‘Modern Monetary Theory’ Explanation
1st February 2020
Fiscal Deficit Czars Are Upon Us
A well-diversified allocation into precious metal is now becoming a central pillar to the portfolios of the world's most successful wealth portfolio managers.
This is not just a theme but a central focus, based on the growing changes in the structure of the monetary system itself and the false valuation signals given out by interest rates at near zero in the largest sovereign reserve funding currencies (USD, Euro, Yen, Sfr, GBP etc…).
Alongside this is the move into government deficit spending to fill the policy vacuum left behind from central banks who have exhausted their policy tools. Debt Monetisation is the new policy tool being implemented globally and a thorough understanding of this is imperative to your own financial health.
All portfolios need to hold a percentage of a well-diversified hard physical precious metal holding in their portfolios, my latest article hopes to frame that argument clearly and concisely.
Year 2020 and beyond is certainly shaping up to be the year that all semblance and consideration for paper money’s role as a store of value is abandoned in favour of using it as a means of government deficit funding without raising taxes much further in the West. 2020 onwards could well be the recognised period when currencies begin to be visibly shattered in the hands of their long-suffering users and holders.
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Consider the safest option of segregated, allocated vault storage at Le Freeport Singapore with IPM Group.
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