The risk to South African PGM mine supply has dramatically heightened.
2021-01-24 04:20:00 -
This review provides an insight into the future supply and demand for platinum, palladium and rhodium (PGMs) in an environment of stringent vehicle emission standards coupled with a stagnant PGM supply and an increase in demand. Under these circumstances and in time, the PGM market balance will inevitably move into a continuous and declining deficit which in turn will put upward pressure on the price, and in particular, the price of platinum.
2021-02-07 04:20:00 -
Contrarians consider the prevailing sentiment to be in the “excessively bearish” zone whenever the HGNSI drops below the 10th percentile, therefore I believe the Gold market is now offering a low-risk buying opportunity.
2021-03-08 04:20:00 -
Platinum plays a critical role in the reduction of global warming and essential roles in diverse industrial and medical applications.
2021-04-06 04:20:00 -
The whole global metals and commodities complex has undoubtedly entered an extremely influential bullish super-cycle, with forecast price resolutions set to move considerably higher over the next few years based on a myriad of highly impactful macro developments, namely:
2021-05-19 08:06:35 -
Price volatility, corrections and consolidation since February 2021 have somewhat frustrated investors in both Platinum and Palladium. This has to be taken into context after massive moves higher from just last year.
2021-06-05 04:20:00 -
After much contemplation, these are my thoughts as of today, the 17th June: Metals have fallen very hard in value, why? These initial market price reactions to the Federal Reserve official statements on Wednesday evening 16th June 2021 seem somewhat contradictory to the actual macro-economic fundamentals supporting their remarks and comments, especially when considering the metal prices,
2021-06-17 04:20:00 -
With our latest market update we lay out very clearly where we are in this present cycle, supported by chart analysis. Investors must ensure that they have a very clear understanding of what absolute, real returns they can expect over the next 3 to 4 years from an investment diversification into precious metals today.
2021-07-14 04:20:00 -
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">As we continue to explore why precious metals continue to be an exceptionally undervalued asset class and attractive investment opportunity (with short-term cyclical sell-offs presenting excellent buying opportunities for investors), a closer focus on 3 of the most liquid precious metals Silver, Platinum and Gold is very telling:</span></p>
2021-07-28 04:20:00 -
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">This report provides an insight into the “potential” impact of a diminishing and intermittent electricity supply from South Africa’s power utility (Eskom) on the future of South African Platinum Group Metal (PGM) mine supply.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: medium;">Since 2007, South Africa has faced ongoing periods of widespread rolling blackouts (load shedding) as supply continues to fall behind demand, threatening to destabilise the national grid. The situation, some 14 years later, has reached “crisis level”.</span></p>
2021-08-07 04:20:00