<p><span style="color: #800000;"><strong>Without adding the supposed BY-PRODUCT CREDITS, the group would have lost another $8.87 on each ounce of silver sold.</strong></span> Thus, the breakeven for the group would have jumped to ($19.24 + $8.87) = $28.11.</p>
2015-04-21 03:47:12 -
Central bank involvement may prevent the London gold market from ever becoming really transparent, the chief executive of the London Bullion Market Association has told a Bank of England study group
2015-04-08 08:50:51 -
The CEO of JPM is now publicly warning we have another crisis on our hands. Did the crisis ever go away ? Have you diversified into Gold yet ?
2015-04-10 01:19:24 -
There is most definitely a case to be made that this Gold market is extremely undervalued. If we look at the cycles Gold has a long way to go yet !
2015-04-10 08:42:19 -
As many are increasingly coming to terms with the 'obvious failure of fiat currency', the inevitable question arises "what next?" , Well apparently gold backed SDR's !
2015-04-13 06:31:24 -
The billionaire investor, who has one of the best long term track records in money management, told an audience at the Lost Tree Club in North Palm Beach, Florida, that trouble is looming...
2015-04-13 07:59:43 -
With all the data finally out, the United States gold market suffered a massive deficit over the past three years. How large was this deficit?
2015-04-14 02:20:01 -
The Western U.S. Dollar based monetary system is headed for a train wreck. Investors lulled to sleep by the low paper price of gold are losing out on the best buying opportunity of a lifetime.
2015-04-14 05:17:47 -
A Debt Crisis unfolds when government defaults, which has taken place many times throughout history. It is the Sovereign Debt Default that wipes out the bankers. Even the Medici had an internal code not to lend to governments
2015-04-08 13:20:40 -
<p>The World’s markets have never been so asphyxiated with easy money as a whole in recorded modern history. When counterparty risks become prevalent (bonds, currency, paper assets) precious metals leap to their historical role within the monetary system.</p>
2015-03-18 02:01:16