The information discussed in this article makes it abundantly clear that the precious metals will be the GO TO ASSETS in the future. The standard financial practice of investing most of one’s assets in stocks, bonds and real estate will no longer be true.
2016-08-12 06:52:30 -
Americans and Canadians will likely face silver shortages in the future as investment demand continues to surge higher.
2016-07-13 09:02:14 -
The collapse of the U.S. economic and financial system accelerated this year, thus pushing the country closer to a third-world status. Most Americans are unaware of the dire consequences facing the nation, so they continue to believe business as usual will continue indefinitely.
2016-06-29 03:20:55 -
<p><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/Article-images/Shanghai-exchange-silver-stocks.jpg"}}" width="350" /> It looks like something big may happen to the silver market and the Chinese are preparing for it. After China launched it’s new Yuan Gold Fix today, the prices of the precious metals surged. At one point today, silver was up 5%. Silver is now trading at the $17 level, a price not seen in over a year.</p>
2016-04-22 05:34:29 -
Must watch video - Rickards makes the case for Gold going to US$ 10,000 going forward.....
2016-03-21 01:38:36 -
The Death of the paper gold market picked up speed today as Blackrock announced......
2016-03-08 03:34:52 -
There’s been a significant trend change in the gold market and it has the Western Central Banks worried....
2016-02-21 09:07:35 -
The USGS reported a huge 33% increase of U.S. silver imports in December versus November:
2016-02-14 06:07:11 -
The markets have finally cracked and things are about to become a lot more interesting.....
2016-02-12 02:01:20