The Final Washout Before The Major Multi-Year Rally
The Hard Truth of a Massive Debasement in Our Currency System
July 14th 2022
David J Mitchell Founding Partner - Auctus Metal Portfolios
All charts graphics and much more in the document link below
Whilst investors in precious metals have all suffered a short-term valuation fall (vs. the USD), it is indeed a rare event that investment trading opportunities for purchasing real value become so extended in real undervaluation.
In David Mitchell's latest report: The Final Washout Before the Major Multi-Year Rally he helps explain why our future lies squarely in the fallout from the massive global monetary debasement which is rapidly inflating the value of currencies away. It is demonstrated through charts and from the study of a cycles blueprint where we stand and what we can expect from price valuations moving forwards.
Throughout major asset class bull markets, we do see 'washout capitulations' that lend themselves to extremely large rallies soon thereafter: 'the slingshot effect'. There comes a turning point where selling becomes exhausted, and rising prices begin to match real world industrial buyer demand, as well as investment flows from smart money seeking exceptional buying opportunities. This period usually precedes a protracted 'super rally'.
Macroeconomic fundamentals are overwhelming in their joint chorus for a currency and monetary debasement which will irrefutably lead to a significant revaluation of metals. This move will ostensibly be supported alongside growing supply-demand deficits across the precious metals complex. This move is now overdue and expected to commence later this year.
CLICK HERE to download the full report and the enormous seasonal pattern of when to buy
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